On May 25, Access Israel Organization, who promote accessibility to improve the quality of life and integration of 1.6 million disabled people and their families in Israel, was granted the status of ‘Special Adviser’ to UN’s Economic and social Committee (ECOSOC), UN’s leading forum of economic and social policy in many countries around the world.
This is a recognition of the Organization as a globally leading force in improving the quality of life of people with disabilities and their families through the promotion of accessibility, integration, spokesmanship, policy and creative solutions.
Access Israel leads the accessibility revolution in Israel, developing unique economic and social models of accessibility assimilations in large organizations. It raises awareness to accessibility in original ways and is at the forefront of accessibility promoting legislation in Israel.
Access Israel’s new status will enable it to share its vast experience in the field of accessibility with members in the UN Economic-Social Committee as well as other UN members, representing Israel as a leading and advanced country in the fields of equal rights, accessibility and integration of people with disabilities.
In addition, Access Israel will be able to foster professional ties with organizations across the globe, stay updated in developments and in the latest trends and raise international awareness to all levels and aspects of accessibility and disabled people. In this capacity, Access Israel will also follow up and assist in the implementation of the International Treaty of the Rights of Disabled People.
The discussion leading to this resolution took place in the UN Human Rights Committee, where it was approved unopposed. Access Israel was aptly represented by Adv. Michal Rimon – the CEO, and Ms. Netta Rotman, the head of the accessibility-counseling department.

Access Israel’s international activity
♦ Last February, Access Israel was invited to attend a special convention in the UN offices in Vienna, at the entrance of which it put together its Accessibility Path, a unique awareness-raising model, developed by Access Israel, where inaccessibility can be experienced firsthand. Hundreds of guests entered through the accessibility path – they had to in order to enter the convention. Along the path were several stations, where participants experienced different disabilities, such as crossing a bumpy stretch in a wheelchair, walking blindfolded, trying to communicate with their ears covered, and even tried mouth drawing. Read more >>
♦ Throughout the year, dozens of diplomats from around the world attending events in New York, Vienna and Israel, were exposed to Access Israel’s Meals of the Senses, becoming new enthusiastic ambassadors to Access Israel’s activity. These events gave them the tools to relay the message in their own counties.
♦ At the beginning of April, the 4th Access Israel Convention took place, hosting many international speakers. The conversations, exchange of information and mutual learning confirmed the importance of such global dialogue and the significant contribution of Access Israel to such platforms.
♦ Last month we were informed that UNDESA, in an early process of election, named two leading projects of Access Israel – the Accessible Organization project and the Help Me to Help You instructional project – as BEST PROJECTS (leading projects of the year), and is going to include them in its report to the UN to be submitted at the International UN Habitat III Convention, later this year in Quito Ecuador.
There is no doubt that the international activity to which Access Israel has been exposed in recent years brought about improved professionalism and knowledge, which, in turn, improved all of its activities, taking us a step further on our way to realize our goal of integration and inclusion of disabled people and their families in Israeli society.
We are also in no doubt that this activity was instrumental in the granting of this important status of Special Adviser in the international arena.